Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I drew these pages during my last quarter at SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) for my senior project presentation. Overall, my professor, classmates, and other friends I had shown these pages to really liked them. I have been thinking of carrying on and developing a story with these pages and the characters depicted within in the near future. I have been writing some plots out for chapter development, but nothing has really sunk it's teeth into my mind yet. I'm getting there though, so that's half the fun. Anyway, I wanted to put a few pages up until I put up some new sketches and designs for a compare and contrast kind of battle with this soon to be older post.

Other things that are preoccupying my mind are work, my Painter X class, and a looming interview for a possible job in the animation biz that just got cancelled and rescheduled. All and all, I'm still calm with these issues on my mind, but with it being a zillion degrees outside with June coming to a close, I'm hoping that July will be a tolerable and satisfying month with something new to help me relax rather than stress my brains out. Well enjoy the art ,and there will be more to come tonight or tomorrow. Later Spacenoids!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

2 New Pieces!!!

My first colour pieces in Painter X, just messing around. More later today!!! ENJOY!!!

Pics! Today!!!

I know I promised some new work this weekend for all you phantoms out there, but with work and digital files that go on digital strike, well, time makes fools of us all. Plus, Fathers Day was looming on the horizon this early or late afternoon I will have my first pieces and sketches up for all to see. Hope everyone had a great Papa's Day!!! Take care spacenoids, and stay tuned for more....WHOOOOOSSSHHHHH!!!!!.....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Stuff Soon!!!!

It's been a while, but there will be some artwork up by the end of this week, a new banner, and more work next week as well~~~IN COLOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!